Yesterday in the mail, I received a magazine that I thought was a subscription for Jeff, our resident beer drinker, until I remembered the shoot I did for Draft Magazine at the end of last year at a nearby brewery. And then I couldn't wait to share page forty two with you all!
I have to start out by saying.. you have to go try this beer from Bldg8 Brewing! Jeff is an IPA man and he loved it, plus I'm all for supporting a local business.. especially a local brewery or winery. I'm still newer to the beer scene and I just love the vibe of a cool brewery.
And after you read about (and hopefully try) their IPA, please feel free to admire their portrait below (done by yours truly, you can just about see my name along the fold in the scan here). But in all seriousness, these two were so much fun to chat with. O'Brian and Meghan have stories, if you have time, and treat their guests as warmly as family. They're based in a converted mill space in Florence (right by Northampton, MA) and they make one heck of a beer, currently focusing solely on their one (awesome) IPA.. which is clearly serving them well!
You can also check out Draft Magazine's write up online in the Brewery to Watch section. And I'll be sharing a few more photos here soon with you all from our shoot too!